Inspirational Women Series: Meet Ula

Ula Ghosheh

Ula Ghosheh

Who: Ula Ghosheh, Zumba Instructor Extraordinare!

Why: I love the fact that a Palestinian engineer from Carnegie Mellon is now a successful Zumba entrepreneur with a fanfare that is growing by leaps and bounds. There were so many things I learned about Ula while interviewing her but what stuck with me the most is that she attributes her success in life to the support of her loved ones....her parents for giving her the opportunity at a young age to attend University in the States, her husband for supporting her decision to walk away from a six figure income to try something new and lastly her friends for giving her the courage to start her own Zumba classes!!!!! However, without Ula's perseverance and determined spirit, none of this would’ve been possible.Ula left home (Abu-Dhabi) at age 17 to pursue her love for engineering at Carnegie Mellon University. She carved her own path to pursue her dreams but not without her share of challenges.As if one Bachelor’s degree was not enough, she chose to get another one in Computer Sciences and ended up working for Cisco Systems as a computer engineer for 10 years during which time she also got married and had her two sons (now ages 8 and 11)After 10 years and juggling work-home balance, Ula took a much needed break from work. In the spirit of trying things, she signed up for a Zumba class at her local YMCA in June 2009 and the rest was history!Fast forward to October 2013, today Ula is the founder of Oola Dance Fitness. She teaches Zumba classes six days a week and has built a clientele list of 750 people purely through word of mouth.

Here are some highlights from my interview with Ula!

1. What three things/people have contributed most to your success?

  • My parents taught me the meaning of hard work, perseverance and fighting your way to what you want

  • My hubby gave me the opportunity to start something that is a dream to me and not worry about if it does not work

  • My best friends gave me the support I needed and stuck by me from day one.

2. If you knew then what you know now, what would you tell your 18-year-old self?

I would do it all the same. I never regret any of my experiences and they are what made me who I am today.

3. When things get tough, how do you keep yourself going?

I use the support system I am lucky to have around me. I also put things in perspective and count my blessings. I thank God for what I have every day !! That keeps me grounded.

4. How do you get balance in your life?

I give everything the time and passion it deserves. My boys, my hubby, my home, my work, my friends. I try to put a lot of love into every part of my life and they all give the love right back :)

5. What “rules” do you live by?

  • Enjoy every minute!! Don't look back and live in the past and never wait to live it up into the future. Live today and love every moment!!

  • Put your heart into everything you do.

  • Count your blessings!! It will make you a happier person.

  • Treat people like you wanna be treated. I truly believe in Karma!!

6. Why did you choose your career?

My career today chose me. I was an engineer and the minute I decided to quit my job at Cisco to take some time off I walked into the YMCA gym and joined a Zumba class.  I fell in love instantly, I picked it up fast and people came to me every time and asked me to teach.

7. What is your secret indulgence?

- Chocolate. I love chocolate!! ;)

Ula teaches at the American Legion Dance Studio 347 1st St, Los Altos, CA 94022

Ula's Facebook Page

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